Jou Ma se Platespeler
Misery Loves Company
Musical Theatre / Roof Garden Bar

Daar is niks wat 'n kultuur meer bind as 'n goeie rugbywedstryd nie, behalwe sy musiek! In Jou Ma Se ... Platespeler kyk ons na Afrikaanse musiek teen die agtergrond van veranderende tegnologie - van "seven singles" tot streaming en alles tussenin - asook die veranderinge in ons land wat 'n nuwe stem aan Afrikaanse kunstenaars gegee het.


Venue en tye sal bevestig word.

Production Credits

Bass: Kerry Hiles 

Drums, vocals: Kristo Zondagh

Guitar, vocals: Rob Thompson

About the Artists

Kerry Hiles (bass, vocals), Kristo Zondagh (drums, vocals), & Rob Thompson (guitar, vocals) are all accomplished pro solo ECape musicians, but it is as the trio, Misery Loves Company, that they are winning hearts across the country. Known for award-winning touring tributes, the trio also has their own blues-come-pop-rock original material in English & Afrikaans, perfect for festival stages.

Publicity Info

  • Venue: Roof Garden Bar
  • Location: Roof Garden Bar
  • Ticket price: ZAR 100.00
  • Programme type: Cabaret
  • Genre: Musical Theatre
  • Duration: 90 mins

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