Imbewu The Seed seeks to raise awareness and ‘give flowers’ to creatives based in the Bay while they are still alive. The aim of this visual exhibition and panel discussion is to re-establish the broader family and community context of the arts and its paths to excellence for younger people interested in any form of artistry. Like soccer, visual art is in the dreams of the young. They aspire towards the excellence and skills of professional artists.
The artworks on display are by Asanda Laxa, celebrating local figures like G. Pemba, Vuyisile Bojana, Richard Hatana who South Africans grew up watching on television. In the Eastern Cape, these are the people who are also neighbours and friends – paving the way for upcoming youths.
With the help of legendary Bongani Tulwana, Vuyo Giba, Sista Khwalo and Dongadala Bemdiliza, a panel discussion will explore the conversations and forward-thinking strategies for growth creation, collaboration and distribution. The visual as they hear it, for some: as they see it.
Artist Biography
Asanda Laxa is a self-taught artist born in Gqeberha. He makes a living painting signs, murals and t-shirts. He has worked with various artist hubs locally and globally in facilitating artists, helping and tutoring upcoming artists. He is an artist, entrepreneur, facilitator, photographer, set designer, and all-round visual artist.
His works is inspired from within New Brighton, where he was born, as well as day-to-day activities that he sees happening within the townships. He has a passion for kids’ development as well as passion in the arts for the development of the community. He works actively with Mendi Arts centre where he facilitates community arts projects.
A montage of his artifacts composed in the early 2000’s reaches deep to the experience of the black South African township and
city life.
Artists - Asanda Laxa
- Atheneaum Gallery Spaces
- The Athenaeum
- Daily during the Festival 09:00 to 17:00
Daily entry to the exhibitions is free. The scheduled walkabouts have a minimal cost and booking is essential.